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The Ceylon Petroleum Corperation provides the information contained in this web site solely as resourse for its users without any form of assurance. Therefore CEYPETCO will not be liable in any capacity for damages or losses to the user that may result from the use of this information. CEYPETCO likewise shall not be responsible for any errors omission or inadvertent alteration that may occur in the disclosure of content on its website.

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All materials that appear on CEYPETCO Web site, www.ceypetco.gov.lk are its exclusive property unless otherwise indicated. CEYPETCO encourage users to print, download or copy information documents & Materials from the Web site exclusively for personal & non-commercial use. Users are restricted from reselling redistributing or creating derivative works for commercial purpose without the expressed written consent of the CEYPETCO. All material appearing on the CEYPETCO web site are likewise the exclusive property of CEYPETCO. For copyright permission, please contact Secretary CEYPETCO.


Ceylon Petroleum Corporation,
No.609, Dr. Danister de Silva Mawatha,
Colombo 09.
Tel: +94 11 5455237, Ext.237
Email: legal[at]ceypetco.gov.lk